Example Videos - Wide Range of Industries & Business Uses

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We create powerful imagery and memorable messages for a huge variety of business uses. Since 2008 we've produced 987 films - we'll soon hit the 1,000 mark! These have been for all sorts of businesses, not just in the Cambridge area but around the UK too. We help you get your company image, message, technology, products and/or services across effectively to your target audience - and as almost all our work comes via recommendations we must be doing something right. Indeed, our example videos and client testimonials prove our capability to consistently deliver high quality business video for well over a decade. We have many repeat and regular customers, large and small, too.

Videos you might need come in many different forms: Advertising, Case Study, Corporate, Product Demonstration, Promotional, Social Media, Testimonial and Training. Whatever you need, we can usually help.

A few examples from some of these sectors below - but every client is unique and has specific needs so just
CONTACT me to discuss yours and let's make your video.


Cambridge Innovation Park:
The latest brief was to produce a short film to showcase the unique on-site work/lifestyle facilities at this rapidly expanding Cambridge business park. Our fourth film promoting this location.

ABC Conference Centre: The brief was to create a promotional video, incorporating some client testimonials, that shows off this truly beautiful building and its flexible, well run facilities in Bury St Edmunds. Mostly filmed in 4K so that frame grabs could be used as promotional stills and with frequent use of our 3-axis gimbal to provide some gliding/walk through type shots. The film was for a new website - link to the YouTube video below.

Your People Potential: We were asked to produce a short video for this SME showcasing the training services they offered to other businesses in the Cambridge/Huntingdon area and beyond.

Testimonial 4 Maria End 720p

Purple Haze UK Ltd:
We produced 2 videos for this busy and highly successful Newmarket based virtual PA, telephone and e-commerce support company. The shorter overview video, shown below, and a more in-depth version details the e-commerce experience they provide. Both are for a promotional/marketing campaign.

Alpheus Basildon: We get exotic jobs too! This one was filmed at Basildon Waste Water Treatment Plant for Alpheus, part of the Anglian Water Group. It's been very specifically aimed at both existing and new clients in London, Essex & Suffolk. A number of shorter, edited extract videos were also produced from this main video for use on social media too, maximising the value video production could bring.

Testimonial 9 Luke 720p


I've done a number of these for many different kinds of industries and client types all over the UK. Video is a great way to showcase and celebrate a project success.

The Co-operative/Phusei:
Two films about the stunning headquarter building for The Co-operative in central Manchester (1, Angel Square). Shot ahead of the 3,000 staff moving in. One film is a 3-minute Co-op showcase where key staff from The Co-operative tell us how the project went, see below. A more in-depth video case study was also produced.

Sportivate: We produced a few films for Living Sport - this one, below, featuring how the Sportivate programme has helped tennis, boxing and rowing clubs in Cambridgeshire.

Testimonial 8 Rob 720p


Video is an ideal way to show just how well your product works. People retain a lot more information if they see it in action. These kinds of videos are ideal for product pages on websites as well as for use at Expos. Short, edited extract videos demonstrating product highlights can work well on social media too.

DC Norris: Below is one of six videos for this world renown food process engineering company. For website, iPad and Expo use.

Testimonial 7 Annabel Extract 720p


I've done quite a few of these over the years, perhaps because of my scientific background. Video is a great way to get potentially complex or difficult to explain concepts across clearly and powerfully. We've produced videos in the Pharma, AI, Robotics, Manufacturing, Printing and numerous Scientific and R&D environments. Here are a couple of examples.

Cambridge Nutritional Sciences: We produced the original Food Detective video in 2009 and it received well over 100,000 views. More recently, CNS updated the kit and they again asked us to produce this revised "how to" video for their website. For use by patients and distributors worldwide, see below.

Cambridge Reactor Design: Likewise, another long term client that came back to us when they wanted their videos updating. Below is one is one of two new videos produced in 2019 for this scientific equipment company.

Testimonial 16 Nicky 720p


We produce a lot of these! Short, impactful, expertly produced videos that people will actually want to watch. Who doesn't need that! Often, we'll plan, right from the start, with the client to create a video for their company and then from it we'll produce short extracts, skilfully edited in such a way as to ensure each snippet is complete. These are ideal for 'drip feeding' onto social media as part of a marketing campaign. It's also a very cost effective way of getting lots of well produced video content that will help grow your brand.

TNS: Below is a recent typical example of this approach. It's one of 9 films produced for TNS in 2020. This one features four Apprentices, each talking for around 60 seconds about what it's like whilst we see lots of cut-aways of them at work. From this video, we created four short (approx 60 second) snippets for use on social media.

Testimonial 15 Lucy SMedia 720p


Magpas Air Ambulance:
We are proud to be a Magpas sponsor and have produced over 35 films for this life saving charity in the last 9 years - gratis of course. Not only does it showcase our filming and editing skills in getting across messages in a powerful, highly watchable way but our short films are very useful to them in promoting their ethos and helping raise much needed funds. One example below.

And below is our very first short film for them - ‘When are Magpas called out?’.

Watch a few of the other films we've produced for Magpas by clicking on any of the thumbnail pictures below, in order: Meet the helicopter crew; Thank you for your support; Why do the Doctors and Paramedics volunteer; and Why businesses sponsor Magpas.

MagpasRotorWide220x124 Magpas4way220x124 MagpasCockpitLanding220x124 MagpasRotorInsp220x124

Testimonial 28 Daryl 720p


A lot of our video work (especially for high-profile, hi-tech and international companies) is client confidential and done under Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). If this is a need, be assured I am well used to working with clients in this way. With these clients, I often get access to highly confidential material and see (amazing) technology in development. Got a project in mind? Then CONTACT me to discuss in more detail how we can work together to create video suited to your specific business needs.

Below are links to a few of the corporate films we've produced in the last 13+ years for various multinationals that are free of NDAs. Click on the thumbnail pictures below to see, in order: 3M Ireland, Dublin - New HQ; NAPP Cambridge Science Park - New HQ and DSSMG 2010 Corporate Overview.

3M Logo 220x124 NappThumb 220x124 Ian and Frog 220x124

Testimonial 10 Rick Corporate 720p


We've produced a number of bespoke H&S induction videos and highly specialised training for various companies (SMEs to multinationals) all around the UK in various manufacturing and scientific facilities, and even a power station. Contact us to see examples and to discuss your specific requirements.

Testimonial 11 Nina Extract 720p

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